Friday, September 9, 2011

Haptic note taking and study notes for pronunciation work

There are a number of note taking software applications out today that can be used to fit with haptic-integrated pronunciation work. I know of none that can actually encode movement and touch but several now allow integration of audio and video, including Microsoft One Note. The iPhone app, Mental Note, for example, works well for taking notes and creating practice routines focusing on one sound or sound process at a time.

Here is a blogpost by Pietrzak that includes both an interesting model for organizing the kind of study notes system that we need and an experimental "haptic wristband" which sounds fascinating. Pietrzak works in the area, in fact; will see if I can go see that in person sometime. If sounds are well anchored in the classroom haptically, a note system that is only video, auditory and visual should be adequate for the time being. Take note, however: a fully integrated haptic note taking system is not far out-- or far off!

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