Saturday, September 3, 2011

Correcting "Inner Speech" to pronunciation instruction

Clip art: Clker
It has been established for sometime that in controlled silent reading the eyes will pause slightly longer on long vowels, as opposed to short vowels. Although I do not have the instrumentation to check this, based on this 2010 study by Heustegge, I would assume that EHIEP protocols which assign longer haptic anchors to long vowels and diphthongs ought to be doing precisely the same thing, that is help the learner develop more accurate representations of the vowels in memory. In the study, that effect was only evident in "silent speech" when subjects were apparently subvocalizing at some level, not when they said the words out loud.

That does suggest that perhaps teaching vowels--or even prosody-- might work even more efficiently if we begin with more visual/haptic anchoring (downplaying overt, spoken repetition) and then bring in monitored audition (speaking) a bit later, more gradually. I know you are saying to yourself: That sounds crazy to me! (Quick replay please: Did your eyes pause longer on the longer vowels? QED!) That is precisely how it is done in the EHIEP system. 

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