Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pronunciation literacy

Clipart: Clker
To learn the pronunciation of a language, what do you need? Basic literacy? Phonetics? A reason? A context for use? A model? A dictionary? I have always assumed that the answer will largely depend upon the learner population and necessity for varying degrees of intelligibility and accuracy demanded by the surrounding culture. (The EHIEP system, for example, is designed to be relatively context-free, that is just as applicable for pre-literate work as it is for "high end" accent reduction.) That is until I stumbled upon the "amazing claims" made in the linked video for the "DD-CODE-English." (For some reason in over 4 years out there it has only been viewed less than 5,000 times.) It is promos like that one that make you realize just how little you have accomplished in about 40 years in the field--and how much there remains to be done . . . 



    Dr. Robin Steed invented a Touchphonics system, which seems to use a hands-on approach which is similar to the DD-Code System. Except that hers uses more kinesthetic, visual, and auditory modalities.

  2. I like Touchphonics. And your comment as to how it is different is right on--if not downright charitable.
