Thursday, December 29, 2011

Haptic Video and a haptics video

The terms "haptic" and "haptics" are used inconsistently today in various fields but the distinction is important for HICP work. The general definition of "haptic" is " . . .relating to the sense of touch." HICP methodology falls within that definition. Technically, we should refer to our work as something like "kinaesthetic-haptic," but we have been using "haptic" as a shorthand of sorts to include both movement and touch. "Haptics," on the other hand, is the "science of applying touch to human-computer interaction." (See this somewhat glitzy video of some haptics devices.)

As noted many times in blogposts, however, the ultimate GOAL of HICP development is to create a system that is readily integrated with "Wii-like" virtual reality technology. In a very real sense, it is approaching that. Here is an important caveat, however. As it is now the "felt sense" of saying a word, focusing on the vowel resonance, while performing a pedagogical movement pattern, culminating usually in both hands touching on the stressed syllable in most cases, is a very powerful,  proven holistic anchor. It is not entirely obvious that the virtual reality embodiment of the system will be as effective (or how?), although it would contribute a range of possibilities of voice recognition options such as modelling and offering various types of corrective feedback.

The two current versions, one done face-to-face by a "live" instructor and EHIEP haptic video system (EHVS), both have the same haptic requirements on the part of the learner of following either the instructor in the classroom or the instructor on the video. The haptic video system is a substantial step toward the virtual reality embodiment design. In other words,  HICP work is currently "haptic" in application but "haptics" in outlook and destination. It is just a matter of keeping in touch . . . and time. 

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