Sunday, August 7, 2011

New Accent Reduction Seminar for International Professionals (ARSIP) format

ARSIPTM Accent Reduction Seminar for International Professionals, offered by AMPISys. Inc.  The provocative (but factually accurate) tag line is: "Dramatically improve your English accent in just 24 hours!"

A new format has been developed: 12 weeks of systematic individualized work, done 30 minutes a day, four times a week. The four weekly self-directed practice sessions involve the basic 9 EHIEP protocols, a model conversation, target-sound practice and professional word list protocols. There are optional feedback mechanisms available also, such as webcam consultations, audio recording evaluations and creation of workplace specific conversations and word listings-- the basic cost, about $400.

 If you are interested, keep in touch. Final announcement as to availability will be announced in conjunction with the 2013 TESOL Convention in Dallas in late March. 


  1. Have had a few emails noting that "Accent Reduction" is not PC. True. From my highly informal, "focal-clatching," however, it appears that those for whom accent is problematic in the marketplace have not gotten the word yet. When I begin trying to appeal to academics with accents (ah . . . I like that AWA!), I'll consider switching to "Accent Improvement . . ."

  2. Just googled "accent reduction." 943,000 hits. Somebody is still using the term apparently . . .
