Friday, March 16, 2012

Ecologically-based "biopsychosocial" pronunciation (teaching) practice

There is much that we can learn from the field of social work in understanding how to assist students in integrating their classroom pronunciation work and individual practice into spontaneous speaking. Here is a definition I like from East Tennessee University: "Clinical practice is defined as a model of practice that involves those activities with and on behalf of clients, especially those activities completed in the client’s presence and with the client’s collaboration. These activities are informed by an ecologically based biopsychosocial assessment (italics, mine.) These interventive and change oriented activities are based on a range of theories . . . These activities may take place in an individual, family, or group setting."  What is fascinating is that if you go on to the link and read the rest of the description of the responsibilities of the social worker, you will find that our field today certainly gets the social advocacy and social justice dimension. It is the critical "middle, the "clinical practice" phase following up on classroom presentation and brief "noticing"practice, that is often missing or downplayed in contemporary teaching that explains why pronunciation work may not be integrated into real world functioning and communication. Support your local eco-bio-psycho-social HICP practitioner!


  1. I'm picking up on the middle of the term "ecobiopsychosocial" - the bio psycho part. Do these range of theories support the idea that the biological is primary over the psyche? I'm wondering if a "mind over matter" approach ever worked for PTSD? I mean, the body doesn't always do what the mind tells it to, so often the mind and will are exerted to command the body.

    The corollary in pronunciation would be to trick the mind with haptics to establish new muscle memory and mental touch points that are then automatized, because we want to integrate the body and mind, not do violence to one with the other.

    I know that in singing there is a ton of biofeedback, and you had best listen to it, but the the mind is always primary.

  2. I think you are dead on in your question about approaches to PTSD. As you can see in earlier posts, the work of counseling psychologists here at TWU with Observed Experiential Integration in working with clients with PSTD in just the manner you suggest was fundamental to the development of the system.
