Tuesday, May 18, 2021

KINETIK Method Roll Out Day 16: Correction!

Probably the most "unique" (or really awesome) feature of Haptic Pronunciation Teaching is that in-class correction and feedback should be (almost) enjoyable and very much stress-free. Part of the reason for that is that basic "repair" or related practice or "reminders" are synchronized with gesture or some other part of the body. It is a bit like using sign language to signal change or a specific vowel, as is a common practice, except that the haptic signal connects to a set of gestures associated with sound or process. Communication in that paralinguistic channel between students and instructors, and students and students, does not seem to interfere much if at all with class activities or "thinking" or generate serious distraction or nervous, self-consciousness. 

Today's post from Locals.com (actonhaptic@locals.com) is also listed here on the Roll Out blog page, along with the previous 15 posts! Here are links to the recent blogpost with details on the method, and more on the Acton Haptic Community on the new, upgraded actonhaptic.com website

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