Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Introducing KINETIK (v7.0) Method: Enhanced memory, expressiveness, pronunciation--with ChatGPT.

Join us at the 38th Costa Rica National Conference for Teachers of English June 9, 4 p.m.~5:30 p.m. PST. The great, 4-day virtual conference, June 7 ~ 10th and FREE! (For $25 USD you can get a certificate of participation as well!) 

The 90-minute workshop, The Kinetic KINETIK Method: Full-body speaking and pronunciation teaching! will be introducing v7.0 of the KINETIK Method

v7.0, in addition to the systematic use of gesture, touch and eye-tracking, includes guidance on the use of ChatGPT in creating materials to accompany the KINETIK Method and teaching, in general. 

Here is the Abstract:

In this experiential, highly interactive workshop participants will be introduced to and trained in aspects of the KINETIK Method for improving memory for vocabulary, expressiveness and pronunciation. This method involves extensive use of the “whole body,” in instruction, but especially use of gesture and touch. The techniques easy for teachers to learn to use in class and are applicable to learners of all ages and proficiency in English, including effective ChatGPT prompts for creating materials. Links to web-based resources and training materials are provided.

This is great conference, one very much focused on providing teachers in the field and in the classroom with excellent training and resources. Encourage your colleagues and students to attend all four days if possible! 


  1. Some examples of how you can you use ChatGPT with KINETIK or pronunciation teaching: (a) Creating word lists, especially discipline or proficiency-level specific (b) creating oral reading texts with rhythm groups identified, (c) predicting specific learner "challenges" with English pronunciation, and (d) have "the Bot" do summary/analysis of some student homework (a forthcoming blogpost on that!) What other applications have you experimented with.

  2. As a follow up to that earlier comment, here is a post that I just did to a list I'm on, focusing on "Das Bot" (my term for ChatGPT):
    Heard the suggestion on a recent Jordan Peterson podcast with Brian Roemmele (well worth a listen) that Das Bot is not a knowledge system, per se, but, instead, a reasoning protocol. To me it seems perfectly analogous to trying to teach critical thinking to students who don’t know enough content to operate on in the first place. It can get even worse, in a sense, with “Inquiry-base instruction,” where the requisite connection to content grounding is even further removed . . . sort of like Das Bot, in fact! In embracing inquiry-based instruction and content-lite critical thinking, we have set the stage for Das Bot. We have met the enemy . . . and it is us! (to paraphrase/gender correct Pogo

    1. Yes, inquiry-based learning is where it is at with da Bot. If you ask it to ask you Socratic questions to test your reasoning, logic and critical thinking, it will do a fantastic job of making sure you cover all your bases.

  3. Russell Stannard has a good video on the basics of using ChatGPT for pronunciation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruy_Lxy6mlI

  4. I asked "Das Bot" why haptic pronunciation is the best, and here is the response I got:
    Haptic pronunciation teaching is considered one of the most effective methods for teaching pronunciation due to its unique combination of multisensory engagement and kinesthetic feedback. This approach incorporates tactile sensations and physical movements to enhance the learning experience.
    Firstly, haptic pronunciation teaching engages multiple senses, particularly touch and movement, which are crucial for language acquisition. By physically feeling the sounds through hand and body motions, learners develop a stronger connection between the sounds and their corresponding mouth movements. This multisensory engagement enhances memory retention and helps learners internalize correct pronunciation patterns more effectively.
    Secondly, haptic teaching provides kinesthetic feedback, allowing learners to experience the physical sensations associated with accurate pronunciation. Through guided hand and body movements, learners can sense the proper placement of tongue, lips, and other articulatory organs, promoting muscle memory. This kinesthetic feedback helps learners develop muscle coordination necessary for producing sounds accurately.
    Moreover, haptic pronunciation teaching actively involves learners in the learning process, making it highly interactive and engaging. Learners become more aware of their own articulatory mechanisms and can self-monitor their progress, thus gaining a sense of control and confidence. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of pronunciation rules and facilitates the transfer of knowledge to real-world communication situations.
    Overall, haptic pronunciation teaching combines sensory input, kinesthetic feedback, and active participation, making it a powerful and effective method for teaching pronunciation. By incorporating physical movements and tactile sensations, this approach helps learners develop accurate pronunciation skills in a memorable and engaging way.

  5. Just posted this on Facebook:

    I have seen no remotely empirical studies exploring the potential efficacy of AI in enhancing learner pronunciation . . . yet. There are a number of systems in play already with really "basic" speech recognition and "remediation and practice" functions; some appear commercially viable but very low end targeting. My interest at this point is just in applications of "Das Bot' that can provide the instructor, especially those with precious little resources or funding ways of customizing or creating materials. From that perspective, as long as you can train yourself on how to prompt Das Bot well, there are actually a number resources you can create VERY quickly--and free! That is some of what I'll be demonstrating in the workshop. We'll get to handing off the whole banana to AI a little later!!!
