Thursday, September 13, 2012

Clinical "Pronouncephobia": Had-beens and HIPs

Clip art: Clker
Clker: Clip art
 If you ever need a quick personality test on most anything, go to the BBC Science site. Sometime ago, half tongue in cheek, I combined the succinct definitions of Idealist and Strategist there to come up with "Theorist/Researcher," especially those who used to or had been teaching pronunciation in the classroom earlier (Had-beens)--and Realist and Performer, to come up with "Pronunciation Teacher," especially "haptically-integrating" practitioners (HIPs). As I look back on it now, it actually helps explain why many leading theorists in pronunciation-related areas are still not genuinely interested in the clinical side of our work yet. They are still principally concerned with how pronunciation is acquired and what is taught--not how, at least not on a moment-to-moment basis. (Never forget Yogi Bera's dictum: In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice--in practice, there is!") They are, both types, important to the field, of course, just in different ways!

  • Make sense of the world using inner values AND quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
  • Focus on personal growth and the growth of others AND use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
  • Think of themselves as bright, forgiving and curious AND think of themselves as logical and individualistic
  • May sometimes appear stubborn AND may forget practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping
  • Loyal and steady workers who meet deadlines AND performers
  • Believe in established rules and respect facts AND prefer hands-on learning to reading a book
  • Think of themselves as mature, stable and conscientious AND think of themselves as enthusiastic, sociable or sensitive
  • May appear too logical or tough-minded and forget their impact on other people AND may forget about commitments--because they're having so much fun! (Rather like in this blogpost!) 
I know many "Had-beens" who are becoming hip, in fact. If you are now, or are moving in that direction, join us at the organizational meeting of the International Association of Haptic-integrated Clinical Pronunciation Researchers (IAHICPR - "I, a hiccuper!") at the TESOL international convention in Dallas next March. (The earlier announced meeting date has been moved from February 2013 to March; a first order of business will be to change the name of the organization!)

1 comment:

  1. There are some qualities in the "had-been" column that I really jive with, and some in the HIPS column - is this the "evolution" of the pronunciation teacher??
