Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pronunciation teaching going to pot(tery)!

Clip art: Clker
The 1965 article summary linked above by Jameson looked at the connection between personality and pottery: Psychological aspects of craftsmanship in pottery making at secondary school. As I read the article it was easy to substitute in "pronunciation" for "pottery" throughout. Quoting from the abstract: "The results indicated that the N.I.I.P. Spatial Test 81 had the highest predictive value. It was also found that intercorrelations between the verbal, non-verbal, spatial, tactile-kinaesthetic and pottery criterion tests were all significantly positive. It was further found that neuroticism, as measured by the M.J.P.I., was negatively (and significantly) correlated with the criterion of skill . . . " I especially like that last one! Reminded me of an old favorite song of mine done by Caedmon's Call. 


  1. If you have never done a basic cognitive/learning preference test (although that is hard to imagine being the case today!), here is a quick, 30-question questionnaire that does a remarkably good job of giving you a general idea of where you are at the moment: Just remember the basic rule: Do NOT ever teach initially from your lead, personal preference! (Get to that later.)

  2. Speaking of hands:

  3. This link is a goldmine:

    Thanks Bill!
